
I want to thank you for taking time to browse my page. There are links to the activities of the TECH4102: Evaluation in Educational Technology which is one of the requirement courses in the major of learning and instructional technology. The course instructor is:
Instructor Dr. Alaa Sadik
E-mail: alaasadik@squ.edu.om
Web Site: http://www.alaasadik.net/

Portfolio introduction:

With the recent growth of the Internet and other distance technologies, web based portfolios has become an attractive option for expanding the educational management system which could be more appropriate to the instructor and to the learner. So this is the my portfolio of TECH4102: Evaluation in Educational Technology.

My name is :Aaisha Al.badi(68701/06)
Sultan Qaboos University
College of Education
Instructional and LearningTechnology
E-mail me:u068701@squ.edu.om

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Evaluating of a Self Based Learning Format The Microsoft Word Documents

There are many models which focus on the evaluation process. One of these models is ACTIONS model. This model is more border and clear than some other models that used in evolution of the educational technology. Thus ACTIONS model was applied to evaluate an educational technology project which is" format of Microsoft Office documents ". To view the aspects that were evaluated view this presentation:

1 comment:

  1. I really like your idea. The portfolio is very well designed. I am also thinking to design my portfolio. It seems very easy to design with the help of your idea. You can take idea with the given portfolio design. Thanks for the post.
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