
I want to thank you for taking time to browse my page. There are links to the activities of the TECH4102: Evaluation in Educational Technology which is one of the requirement courses in the major of learning and instructional technology. The course instructor is:
Instructor Dr. Alaa Sadik
E-mail: alaasadik@squ.edu.om
Web Site: http://www.alaasadik.net/

Portfolio introduction:

With the recent growth of the Internet and other distance technologies, web based portfolios has become an attractive option for expanding the educational management system which could be more appropriate to the instructor and to the learner. So this is the my portfolio of TECH4102: Evaluation in Educational Technology.

My name is :Aaisha Al.badi(68701/06)
Sultan Qaboos University
College of Education
Instructional and LearningTechnology
E-mail me:u068701@squ.edu.om

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Evaluation Of Online Learning

With the recent growth of the Internet and other distance technologies, web based portfolios has become an attractive option for expanding the educational management system which could be more appropriate to the instructor and to the learner. The instructor dr.Alaa who taught the course of the distance education in the spring 2008 applies for the first time e-portfolio. Thus the students must submit their activities and assignments using e-portfolio instead of submitting portfolios in CDs. They have a homepage which is uploaded on freewebs and has links to the assignments which was uploaded previously in freewebs, blog or scribd. We conduct this survey to evaluate the effectiveness of the e-portfolio from the students' perception and the aspects that need more consideration and emphasis when we need to apply e-portfolio next time. We use (WBLP) questionnaire (see it on the surveyConsle) and interviews to collect data. The results of the survey shows that the e-portfolio is effective to evaluate students' assignments but it need improvement to help student exchange ideas and feedbacks.

To see the survey please follow this link:

Here is a short presentation which summarize the survey:

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