
I want to thank you for taking time to browse my page. There are links to the activities of the TECH4102: Evaluation in Educational Technology which is one of the requirement courses in the major of learning and instructional technology. The course instructor is:
Instructor Dr. Alaa Sadik
E-mail: alaasadik@squ.edu.om
Web Site: http://www.alaasadik.net/

Portfolio introduction:

With the recent growth of the Internet and other distance technologies, web based portfolios has become an attractive option for expanding the educational management system which could be more appropriate to the instructor and to the learner. So this is the my portfolio of TECH4102: Evaluation in Educational Technology.

My name is :Aaisha Al.badi(68701/06)
Sultan Qaboos University
College of Education
Instructional and LearningTechnology
E-mail me:u068701@squ.edu.om

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Evaluation of CAI

There are many ways to evaluate CAI such as survey, questionnaire, checklist or rating scale. Here we provide you with checklist/rating scale to evaluate the technical and pedagogical features of an instructional game software which is Mingoville. This checklist is recommended to be evaluated by English teacher of grade 3.
Please follow this link:

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